Saturday, May 23, 2020
Most people take the simple things in life for granted....
Most people take the simple things in life for granted. But for others those simple things are great struggles. Things like social skills and staying focused are struggles for people with autism. When you look up the definition of autism the most common thing that pops up is â€Å"Difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors†(What is Autism?). But the difficulties for people with autism vary with each type they have. In the five different disorders in ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders), there are many variations of symptoms and who it affects. The people living with autism face hard struggles every day. Autism is a very broad word used to describe disorders in brain development. Another word†¦show more content†¦Symptoms vary widely with this disorder. Generally children with PDD-NOS lack social skills. They don’t have language skills of those with Aspergers, but they are better than those with autistic disorder. Individuals also have fewer repetitive behaviors than individuals with Aspergers and autistic disorder. There is not a specified criteria for diagnosing PDD-NOS because no two individuals have the exact same symptoms. Therefore if a child is believed to be autistic but does not meet criteria for autistic disorder or aspergers then they will be diagnosed with PDD-NOS (Autism Spectrum Disorders). Autistic Disorder is the next level of ASDs. Children with autistic disorder have more severe impairments in social and language skills, and repetitive behaviors. Also, often an individual with autistic disorder will have mental retardation and seizures. (Autism Spectrum Disorders) A rare form of ASD is Rett syndrome. This syndrome affects mostly girls; one in 10,000 to 15,000 girls will develop this syndrome. Rett syndrome is caused by genetic mutation. It occurs randomly and is not inherited. Signs and symptoms of this syndrome occur between six and eighteen months of birth. The childs hea d growth slows down rapidly, the child stops responding socially, and the child loses language skills. (Autism Spectrum Disorders) The most severe and least common form of ASDShow MoreRelatedThe Top 5 Habits Of Happy People Essay801 Words  | 4 Pagesof Happy People By Peter Kirwan | Submitted On May 25, 2015 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Peter Kirwan A Quick Preamble: There are reasons, good reasons, why certain people have reachedRead MoreSocial and Traditional Models of Disability.1168 Words  | 5 Pagescoaches and my teachers to never take anything for granted. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Essay on Obesity in America - 2540 Words
Obesity has grown so much it can now be said to have replaced smoking as the number one preventable cause of diseases in America. Even though the obese have to be responsible when deciding what and how much to eat, society is what not only created obesity but also discriminates against them. The media, food market, and the rapidly advancing technology are all factors that influence not only the increase in obesity rates, but also the psychological status of the obese. According to epidemiological studies, there is a direct correlation between BMI and the risk of obtaining an obesity related disease. The authors of â€Å"Waist Circumference and Cardiometabolic Risks†¦.†state that men and women with a BMI greater than 30 are at a very high risk†¦show more content†¦In addition, the risk of being obese as an adult was twice as high in obese children than in the non-obese. However, even though individuals have to be responsible when deciding what they consume and how much of it, the credit for creating obesity should be given to society. The huge gap in distribution of wealth is one of the causes of obesity and where you stand determines the foods that you have access to. For instance, the low quality built environments can lead to inability to exercise which leads to accumulation of calories causing obesity. For instance, this can be seen in areas of high pollution, where it is unsafe to travel for long periods of time while being exposed to these toxic chemicals in the air. In addition, food dessert also contribute to an inability to obtain healthy foods in other words, food desserts are urban or rural low-income areas with low access to healthy nutritious foods. One reason that can cause inability to obtain nutritious food is not having enough money to own a car which in turn forces someone that lives in this area to resort to low cost unhealthy food products. Moreover, low-income areas are typically known to be areas with high levels of crime. As a result, the members of the community might fear their safety or the safety of their children due to the fact that there is so much crime being committed. For example, according to the CensusShow MoreRelatedObesity in America909 Words  | 4 Pages When discussing the issue of obesity in America, it seems to be that there is plenty of blame to go around and most of that blame falls on fast food companies. When searching for a concrete answer to the question used as my title, you will find none because the re isn’t one. When asked this simple question, it is easy to blame the obesity problem on fast food considering 8 out of 10 Americans consume fast food according to a report done by the Huffington Post. But after doing more research you willRead MoreObesity in America787 Words  | 4 PagesGood news! We’re Number 2! As declared by a 2013 report from the U.N., America has only the second highest obesity rate in the world at 31.8%, second to Mexico with an obesity rate of 32.8%. America has held on to the title of most obese country for over 60 years. From 13% obesity in 1962, estimates have steadily increased right up to 2013’s 32.8%. This may sound like good news, but the harsh truth is that America didn’t reach the number 2 spot through sweeping diet changes or social conscienceRead MoreObesity in America909 Words  | 4 PagesObesity in America In the United States of America, there is a current epidemic of obesity throughout the country. Every age group is affected by this unfortunate trend. Even children are not immune to the national obesity problem. For a country that has an abundance of job opportunities, educational opportunities, and financial opportunities, it is a sad statement of fact that far too many people are tipping the scales in unhealthy ways. It is a fact that a disproportionate amount of the nationsRead MoreObesity : America s Obesity1204 Words  | 5 PagesDraft Obesity in America How many times a week do you go out to McDonald s or Taco Bell for dinner? If you go more than once or twice a week then you really need to look at your diet and how healthy your lifestyle is. America is having a huge obesity crisis, too many Americans just don’t care about how much they weigh or unhealthy their lifestyle is. From the advertisement of the fast food companies, to people not being able to afford healthier foods, and people just being plain lazy, America hasRead MoreObesity in America2116 Words  | 9 PagesENG 101 SL1 26 June, 2006 Obesity in America Obesity in America is a continually growing problem and even worse our own children are sharing in this problem. A commentary in the Washington Times reports that sixty million Americans are obese. What really is the meaning of obese? Obese is having a body mass index of thirty percent or more. In recent years, the percentage of obese Americans has risen. In the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the National CenterRead MoreObesity in America2898 Words  | 12 PagesIn the United States today, obesity has become an enormous problem. In the last 3 decades, the number of people overweight has increased dramatically. A study done by the Centers of Disease Control showed that since 1980, one third of our adult population has become overweight. America is the richest but also the fattest nation in the world and our obese backsides are the butt of jokes in every other country (Klein 28). The 1980s were a time when Americans suddenly started going crazy over dietingRead MoreObesity in America995 Words  | 4 PagesFences Essay As humans we all have certain motivations behind every action that we exhibit. This is called a hierarchy of needs, and in 1943 a scientist by the name of Abraham Maslow theorized it. When he discovered this characteristic of the human body, he came out with an organized chart, or pyramid. His pyramid showed five different levels, Basic needs, Safety, Love and Belonging, Self esteem, and Self-Actualization. Basically he created a blueprint for life. First you have to lay your foundationRead MoreObesity in America Essay1285 Words  | 6 Pagesa long time, obesity has been one of the notable health concerns that America has struggled with during the last five decades .Obesity as a health concern is not limited to America alone, it is a serious concern among other affluent societies like European countries. A considerable number of Americans spend a significant amount of money trying to lose weight. Obesity become an important focus in the news items during the year 2002.According t o research findings, the rate of obesity among the AmericanRead MoreEssay On Obesity In America955 Words  | 4 PagesObesity in America Over the years the obesity rate in America has increased significantly. From 1990 to 2016, the average percentage of obese adults increased from 11.1% to 29.8%. The escalating obesity rate in America has made obesity prevention one of the top public health priorities. Being overweight has become the new normal in America. Obesity is caused by eating too much and moving too little, depression, and the input of social media. A lot of people wonder why we are so concerned aboutRead MoreThe Problem of Obesity in America840 Words  | 3 PagesObesity: one of the nation’s most critical health problems. â€Å"Overweight is defined as having excess body weight for a particular height from fat, muscle, bone, water, or a combination of these factors. Obesity is defined as having excess body fat†(â€Å"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention†). When energy input and output get out of balance, obesity arises. Many factors can cause someone to become obese such as genetics, metabolism, level of physical activity, and more. â€Å"Overweight and obesity
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Homlessness in the US Free Essays
In the two studies I reviewed, both pertained to school aged homeless children. Both studies were conducted to determine the need for a better education for these children. The first study I reviewed was called, Sheltered homeless children: Their eligibility and unmet need for special education evaluations. We will write a custom essay sample on Homlessness in the US or any similar topic only for you Order Now This study focused on the exploration of unmet need of special education evaluations for homeless children in Los Angeles, California. The second of my studies was called, Cognitive and academic functioning of homeless children compared to housed children. The analyzation focused on the effects of being homeless to a child’s cognitive and academic functioning. Both of the above studies brought about the same basic issue of homeless children having the right to a better education. In both studies it was determined that homeless children, when tested, perform rather poorly in the area of academics. In the first study (Sheltered Homeless Children: Their Eligibility and Unmet Need for Special Education evaluations) homeless shelters were selected randomly and from these families were selected that consisted of one child aged 6 to 12 years. Testing was performed in a quiet place. There were 118 parents and 169 children involved in the study. The parents were asked questions pertaining to the how and why of homelessness. The homeless children were tested with questions from the RAND Course of Homelessness Study 3. 9, a Behavior Checklist, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, the National Health Service, and the Woodcock-Johnson Language Proficiency Battery Assessment Test. The Peabody Vocabulary picture test was also used in the second study. In the second study (Cognitive and Academic Functioning of Homeless Children compared with Housed Children) the homeless children and their mothers selected for the study were from the Bronx in NY. There were 102 homeless children in the study. They were between the ages of 6-11, around the same age group as the first study; they were sought out of public schools. The housed children were selected randomly for the study. The mothers were asked how and why they became homeless and how long they had been homeless, and if they had a job, as in the study before. The children were all tested with numerous tests pertaining to their academic and cognitive functioning skills. The Raven’s Test, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, the Wide-range Achievement Test, a Child Depression Inventory test, and A maternal Anxiety test were issued to the children. Both of the studies focused on the same issue, that homeless children were not being assessed for their need of assistance with their academics. The first study did not involve children who were not homeless but the second study used them as a control. The second study also focused more on the effects of being homeless leading to anxiety and depression. Both of the studies had determined that homeless children have poorer scores compared to those that are non-homeless, and that they are more developmentally delayed. Both the studies also found that they have a higher rate of learning disabilities. There is also a higher need to assess children who might be eligible for special education services. The findings of the first study imply that there is a high level of unmet need for special education evaluations for homeless children. There should be more procedures conducted to determine one’s eligibility for special education services for the homeless. Also, interventions should be provided for school-aged homeless children from special education professionals, general health care providers, and housing services. The second study suggests that there needs to be more of an effort to educate those that are homeless by academic professors. There needs to be more assessment of special education for these children. The study also touched on the fact that these children are often depressed and have a high rate of anxiety, this should be assessed through counseling services. In both of the studies, society needs to take an interest in helping get these children off the streets in the first place. The main purpose for both of the studies was to examine the impact homelessness has on a child’s academic functional level. In both of the studies it was found that homeless children between the ages of 6-12 scored lower on achievement tests. They also had a higher level of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, they also had an increased rate of learning disabilities and the need for special education evaluations. Society needs to put more of an effort in getting these children off the streets and into a proper home so they can grow more academically and to develop at a typical rate. Academic professionals need to assess their need of assistance with their work and assess a higher need of special education evaluations. Professionals need to understand that these children have a harder time concentrating on their academic material because they are faced with issues like where they are going to sleep tonight instead of 4+3. How to cite Homlessness in the US, Papers
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